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Manual of CoMBI

What's new / 更新履歴

2025.3.22 Thank you for coming to my presentation at APPW2025 Makuhari.


2024.12.4 Thank you for coming to my presentation at MBSJ2024 Fukuoka.


2024.9.2 A new publication. Epigenetic regulation is essential for successful fertility in mouse and human. "Publication"


2024.6.1 Camera body list has been added. "Installation/Camera body list"


2024.4.26 A new publication. CoMBI法:低価格に同一標本で2D&3Dイメージング CoMBI is a low-cost and multi-purpose 2D and 3D imaging method (Japanese) Publication"


Previous update/以前の更新

About this site/このサイトについて

This site is the installation and instruction manual of CoMBI; Correlative Microscopy and Blockface Imaging. All pages were initially written in Japanese. I am trying to make it in both English and Japanese.

If you need other language imediately, try Google translation; English, Bahasa Indonesia, Mongolian, etc.

Dear users; Thank you for sharing your usage information. It has been helping to increase the stability of the device. The information shared here is only technical matters related to CoMBI, thus it is anonymous to avoid mentioning your research content.



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Dear first-time visitors / 初めての方へ

What is CoMBI?

Thank you for your visit to this site. CoMBI is a method to correlate 2D images from microscopy of thin-section specimens with 3D images from block-face imaging; we named it Correlative Microscopy and Block-face Imaging and released it in June 2017 Scientific Reports (2017) 7:3645 External link.

Making sections of biological specimens and observing them under a microscope is a very common practice in biological research. But there has been a issue:

"Where did you get that section of the sample from?"

If you have 3D information about the specimen and can show where the sections were taken, the micrographs are easier to be interpreted and more reliable. The CoMBI slices a frozen specimen with a cryostat and executes two things (1) All block faces are photographed. (2) Frozen sections are collected when necessary. The serial images of the blockface are then reconstructed into 3D images on the computer, while the sections are stained as usual and observed by microscope. As a result, it is possible to correlate 3D images with 2D microscopic images in a single specimen, and to show the original location of the sections. Such correlation is expected to contribute to improve the reliability of morphological analysis. Another feature of the 3D imaging method is that it is low-cost and easy-to-install. As long as you have a microtome, all you need is a commercially available camera and lens, its accessories, and a computer to perform 3D imaging (see Overview of CoMBI system). We have succeeded in 2D/3D imaging of various biological specimens (see Portofolio or Publications).

ご来訪ありがとうございます。CoMBIは、薄切標本の顕微鏡観察による2D画像と、ブロックフェースイメージングによる3D画像を相関させる方法です。Correlative Microscopy and Block-face Imaging = CoMBI と名付け、2017年6月にリリースしました。Scientific Reports (2017) 7:3645 外部リンク



もし、試料の3D情報があって、切片をとってきた場所を示せれば、顕微鏡写真を解釈しやすく、信頼性もあがります。CoMBI法は、そんな望みをかなえます。CoMBI法では、一つの凍結標本を、クリオスタットで切削しながら、以下の二つのことを実行します。(1) すべてのブロック面を撮影します。(2) 途中、必要なときに凍結切片を回収します。その後、ブロック面の連続画像は、コンピュータ上で3D画像に再構築され、一方、凍結切片は染色などを行い顕微鏡観察につかいます。その結果、1つの標本で、3D 画像と2D顕微鏡画像を相関させられるようになります。このような相関は、形態解析データの信頼性向上に貢献すると期待しています。また、3Dイメージング法としては安くてお手軽に始められることが特徴です。ミクロトームさえあれば、あとは市販のカメラとカメラ用品、パソコンを用意して、3Dイメージングができます(CoMBI装置の概要のページへどうぞ)。観察できる試料が多様なことも特徴です。これまでに様々な生物試料で3Dイメージングに成功しています(作品集または発表論文などのページへどうぞ)。

Developer/開発者 Yuki Tajika, Ph.D twitter @CoMBI_artisan

My research field is "Membrane vesicle traffic in multinucleated cells". Keywords are "skeletal muscle cells, muscle differentiation, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, C2C12 cells, cell polarity, SNARE proteins". Main research techniques have been classical morphological techniques such as light microscopy (cryosectioning, paraffin sectioning, whole mount, antibody staining), electron microscopy (pure morphology, immunoelectromicroscopy, Tokuyasu method). Recently I have been developing new techniques (CoMBI). The reason for developing CoMBI is that it was necessary for phenotype analysis of my original knockout mice. The keywords of my past experience are "renal epithelial cells, channel proteins, macrophages, lectins", and I was responsible for morphological analysis. My current field of teaching is "Anatomy", i.e. morphology.
